Monday, January 24, 2005

Chinamen and Owens, an indepth analysis (rather long).

Wow, it's really been a while since my last post. Busy. Lazy. Just plain forgot. Company and RA things are finally starting to settle down, not spending as much time running around getting this and that done. After a month of doing no physical activity, I've finally started my normal gym routine again. I'm pretty tired, and pretty sore.

Anywho, on to the poker. I finally cleared all my bonuses after a little over a week. I played 5700 hands to earn $485 in bonus money. Not bad, not bad at all. And I didn't lose money in the process, like most people trying frantically to clear bonuses do. I almost matched their number in profit. Unfortunately, I hate the game now, it's boring, and it's frustrating. I'll be taking a nice long break; probably a few days, maybe I'll play again in a few hours. I dunno.

And alas, the food courts are finally starting to clear out during lunch time. People have now resorted to sleep and eating EasyMac in their rooms. But every day I go to Owens, I witness this phenomenon that is simply awe inspiring. Normally, if you want to eat in a larger group, you'd put two of the square tables together so everyone has a seat. Well, every day that I've been to Owens, I see not two, but six or seven of these tables put together, complete with a slew of Chinamen. It's simply unbelievable. You would never see 25 white people sitting at the same table. They have the decency to eat at different tables. Same with the African Americans. And Mexicans? They're usually sitting alone, on the bar stools along the walls. Now how can you explain this. There you have at least 20, sometimes more, Chinamen at a single long table eating their meal. As some go, new ones will come to fill the seats. Everyone always knows everyone else. If they don't, they pretend like they do, because all Chinamen are "tyte". And you always have the one white guy who sits all the way on the end, who only knows one person at the table. No one talks to him, and he's always staring down at the other end of the table, trying to get into the conversation. No one likes him. He quickly finishes his food and leaves alone, with his head hung low. Also, I noticed that the guys like hugging each other, giggling like little schoolboys. Chinamen are some weird people... Maybe I should go sit down at the uber table one day like I own the place, ignoring everybody else there because I really don't want to talk to them. Will they accept me as one of their own? Also, a lot of the Chinamen really need haircuts and showers.

Chinamen = Asians. We all look the same.

So, hopefully you learned something today. Maybe one day, you'll gather a bunch of your friends and try sitting at the Chinaman table. It'll be fun. Or, you could gather a bunch of your Caucasian comrades and try to create a table that is bigger than theirs. Then maybe they'll realize that they're all douches and need to go find some new friends.


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