Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Another day, another post.

Wow, at the beginning of the semester, I thought it'd be easy to keep up with this thing and write at least something every day. Well, there's two problems: 1) I usually forget, and 2) I'm not that exciting that I can write about something every day.

So this weekend was terribly dreadful and miserable. I managed to pull RA duty on friday AND Saturday!! 6 PM - 2 AM stuck in my room. What joy! I accomplished no work during that time. Hours of NCAA 2005, television, and the "click-click" brought about the next topic of discussion...

I had my first late-nighter of the semester Sunday night, and boy was it glorious. Missed a Super Bowl party, ate Taco Bell without the huge cup of Mountain Dew, and PT Monday morning at 5:30. I attempted to keep myself up throughout the day with a can of Amped, an energy drink from the makers of Mountain Dew. I lasted through my first class, but then when my second class, Theory of Organization came around, my friend Mr. Johnson guessed I would last 20 minutes in that class. To my credit, I lasted 35. Amped doesn't work really well, but it sure does taste good.

Today was Tuesday, so that meant no class for me. Normally, I would try to get some work done during the day so that my nights would be free, but alas, I slept. All morning. Ate lunch. Thought I'd "rest" my head....slept some more. Right now it's almost bed time, just finished my homework, and I'm playing one table....I just couldn't help hour later and 50 hands later, I haven't won a single hand, and I'm $80 in the hole. Part of me is tempted to pop open 2 more tables and stay up until that number is positive, but I won't do it!!!! There is always tomorrow....hmmm, never mind. Make that $100 in the hole. What a session! QQ beaten by a flopped set of 7's. AK makes two pair on the turn to be beaten by a flopped set of 4's. I only had $23 left, so I went all in on that hand. But I did win one hand. Raised preflop with JJ, folded around. Won $3.

Anywho, that was sad. So I will be going to Atlantic City again for Spring Break with my friend George, who shares a similar interest in the poker game. The only difference between us though is, I think he actually likes the game. And luckily, he isn't one of those pompous egomaniacal fellows mentioned in my previous post. So yes, while everyone is having fun in the sun at the beach, I will be sitting inside a room for 20 hours at a time, never to see sunlight for several days. It's actually not that bad. At least the paper towels there are nice.


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