Monday, February 14, 2005

Weekend Update

Wow, another week has passed, and another weekend has passed, and another month has passed....this semester is flying by fast.

This past Wednesday, we found out the results to our Meyers-Briggs personality tests. I was indentified as a ISTP, or introvert, sensing, thinking, perceiving. It says I am a very clear introvert. People make me tired. Mr. Johnson is also an ISTP, and he spent the good part of this past week trying to be more of an extrovert. He'll get upset if you call him an introvert. Mr. Johnson, I hope you're reading this. You are an introvert.

So, this weekend had its ups and downs. Starting with Friday, I never went to the gym because I wanted to sleep. We had an evening formation that brought about great anger....So it's first call, and no one knows whether we're all wearing capes and overcoats. We have them on because we heard everyone was wearing them. The battalion CO calls the acting regimental commander, my good friend Mr. Sherman. He says no capes. Very well, I run back downstairs and tell everyone to take off their capes and overcoats. Mass rioting ensues. We go outside, and halfway out into the quad, we see First and Second Battalion in capes and overcoats. A disgruntled Third Battalion CO runs over to Mr. Sherman and asks "wtf, mate?" All of Third Bat is forced to go back and put on capes and overcoats...."the regiment can wait"....that was not a happy moment. Oh well.

Friday night was a dull sit-in-the-room-all-night-and-gamble kind of night. Watched some pretty entertaining television programs, including the crime drama "Numbers". It was pretty good. I'll be tuning in again next Friday evening. Well, back to poker....this weekend was pretty not good....over the three days, I have lost $350. When you think about it...that's only like....85 BB....that was not very good. Just not getting the cards that win the hands...oh well....perhaps this week might be slightly better. Or I could just cash out, take a break for three weeks and concentrate on schoolwork, and then play again in Atlantic City....Hmmm...that doesn't sound like a bad idea....No, who am I kidding....? Besides, I told myself this time I would keep the bankroll there and not play this "I'm losing now, so I'd better just cashout and start my bankroll over again in a few weeks" nonsense. I might have to drop back down to 1/2 at this rate....

Anywho, continuing along. A quick aside. Last weekend, Mr. Johnson and I stopped by at Terrace View Apartments to drop off our application for next year. The guy who helped us was very strange. He kept trying to con us into spending an extra $500 a month in a 4 bedroom apartment. We said no, and that we were quite sure that we'd stick with 3 people. He didn't seem to understand us, and kept saying, "yea, that 4 BR has lots of space! You should consider it!"....."No." Also, he made this insanely funny remark in a high pitched voice, "Supah bowl!!!!". You had to be there. He also recommended that instead of placing a dinner table in the dining area, we set up a bar. No.

So, Saturday was Military Ball. My last one. Actually, I would consider it my first one, considering freshman year was a complete disaster, and "a whale of a good time". You had to be there. I didn't bother going sophomore and junior year. I also missed Ring Dance last year. People said it was ok. I played poker. I probably lost. Anyway, I had planned on waking up early, getting to the gym for a little bit, then getting everything prepared for Mil Ball. Of course, my alarm went off about 12 times throughout the course of the morning, before it turned itself off after 2 hours of snoozing. I woke up at like noon. Well, I guess I won't be going to the gym...So I quickly ate lunch with Mr. Johnson and went to pick up my automobile, drop off the Terrace View applications, and pick up the corsage. It was pink. We saw Mr. Sherman there, and he was picking up his insanely expensive Valentine's Day gift for his fiance. It was a dozen roses in a small glass jar. Calling it a vase would be a huge overstatement...Anyway, the florist sure was smart enough to fill the jar all the way up to the brim. Half of it probably ended up on Mr. Johnson's pants when he helped Mr. Sherman carry it out to the car.

So I arrive back in my room at about 1:30 PM. What do to now...? I know! Take a nap! So I'm back in the bed, planning on just resting my head for 30 minutes. 3PM rolls around and I finally crawl out of bed. Wonderful. I do the shower and getting ready thing. Then I meet Mr. Johnson and we head over to the apartment where our dates are getting ready. ***Thanks again Christie for going to Mil Ball with me. I had a great time and hope you did too.*** Then we go to the Owens Banquet Hall where we had dinner. Mr. Johnson and I forgot to do our table requests, so we didn't get to sit at the same table. However, when we all sat down, there were two spots open at the table Mr. Johnson was at. We never moved because I felt bad for leaving one of my buds and his date at the table. It wouldn't have been nice. Food was good. I don't like Caesar Salad or cheesecake. You can have mine. The speaker was Col. Fox, a retired Marine Corps officer. His speech was good, but a bit random at times. It didn't seem like he had a point. After dinner, we all went to Squires Commonwealth Ballroom for the actual Mil Ball. We stood outside for a little while waiting for the seniors to process through the senior line. That was neat, but the announcer guy pronounced my name like the small cartoon boy with the tiger friend.

We looked at all the banners and mingled for a little bit. One of the banners was extremely well done. Many of the others were marginal at best, but still quite good. Then came two or three that were just downright hideous. Like Maxfield says, you don't draw faces unless you know how to draw faces....but they were good for a laugh. The Corps jazz band, the Southern Colonels, played for about the first hour. They were very good as usual. About halfway into their set, we all decided to hit the dancefloor. This is where I exercised my "social skills". Remember, I'm an introvert. I had a great time and stayed for almost the entire duration of Mil Ball. Afterwards, we hung out at the apartment. During that time, I successfully ducked and rolled to a pizza, lost two pieces of pizza to some very not nice people, and lost my seat to those same two people. At least I learned how to knit.

Today was pretty dull. I woke up at 12:45 and ate lunch with Mr. Johnson again, then went to Kroger to buy a ridiculously overpriced bottle of apple juice. Then I put my car back in the cage and took a nap. 5PM rolled around and I went to Sharkey's for Kilo Wing Night. That was a good time. One of my freshmen attempted the 911 challenge. He failed miserably, and it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen. I have never seen anyone convulse, moan, and flail his arms all over the place while eating wings. Good times. Afterwards, he went to the bathroom and washed his hands. He didn't use soap and still had sauce on his hands, and then he proceeded to wipe his eyes and face. He screamed. That had to burn...

So tonight I started to do some work that I had left for this weekend. Mainly catching up on reading and some notes. I played two tables while doing this, and lost $200. I keep preaching the number one rule of this game, don't lose more than 30 BB per day, and I broke it...If you reach that point, stop, and wait til tomorrow. 30 BB translates to $120 in this case. Now here's the conundrum. These games I was at were great. Just bad cards. Real bad....Now would I stay because the games are good and I would likely make some money here? Or just call it a day and leave down $120? I didn't exercise good discipline and proceeded to lose both my buy-ins. My brother wouldn't be too pleased about that, after all the preaching I've done with him. I would defend myself by saying that the games were good.....

Good gosh this was a long post. Hope you made it through the whole thing. Good night.


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