Monday, February 11, 2008

Just one more day...

So it turns out that my sickly feeling from the last time I wrote manifested itself into a physical illness, perhaps a cold of some kind. It's the first time I've been sick in years. It probably didn't help that I decided to play golf for 6 some hours on Friday. I think it was around 35-40 degrees out. It was pretty cold when it got dark. I even got to run a PFT on Saturday morning. My 3 mile time has increased by over 2 minutes from my best time during OCS. Either I'm getting fat, lazy, and slow, or I can say that my illness legitimately slowed me down. I'd say that Mr. Johnson would vote for fat and slow.

Anyway, this weekend was relatively uneventful. I slept a lot and didn't eat much. I have been getting really lazy about eating lately. I'll either just skip meals altogether or eat Taco Bell...I had Taco Bell for lunch/dinner tonight. It was delicious. It's amazing how bad my habits have gotten lately. Before, I'd never skip a meal, and I wouldn't be too lazy to cook something to eat. Also, I'd never resort to eating out more than once a week. I really want to get back to my normal routine, but things just don't feel the same as they used to. Is this what people mean by "letting themselves go"?

I spent a lot of this weekend lying in bed watching the TV show Bones. I like it a lot. Not quite at the same level as Angel or How I Met Your Mother, but it is addicting. On the topic of TV, I hope the writers' strike is resolved this week. Hopefully the current season's shows will finish with full seasons...I certainly don't want to get DVD sets with half a season's worth of episodes.

I will add one note, which I will elaborate on in a later post this week. The GOP candidate will be the next president. The Democrats screwed themselves. (this upcoming post will probably offend a great many of you...just don't whine about it)

I also did a little bit of thinking about what happened this past month or so. I've come to realize that maybe I'm just a boring person. Not necessarily a boring person to hang out with. I'll concede that I can be entertaining. But I'm just boring from the macro perspective. I'm predictable, non-spontaneous, and not very exciting. I'd even be bored with myself. Maybe that's why she left. There was a better guy who wasn't boring, who was more fun, who was better looking, maybe drove a better car, and whatever else. And time isn't helping. I thought it would. Mr. Johnson said it would. It doesn't.

Everytime I see your face,
Everytime you look my way.
Its like it all falls into place,
Everything feels right.

Ever since you walked away,
You left my life in disarray.
All I want is one more day.
Its all i need,
One more day with you...


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