Sunday, March 13, 2005

Atlantic City Trip Report and More!!

Wow, so it's been a whole month since the last computer got ransacked by an AIM Profile virus, so that kind of put a halt on things for a little while. My profile got cleared and I never bothered to put a post together...but I purchased a new computer over spring break, and it's sweeeeet. Wireless internet and laptops rule! "Click click" ' ing while getting the business done on the toilet is priceless. I finally got my dual monitor system thing working, and that helps the cause immensely. So, a few observations from the month before I get the trip report started....this is going to be a long one....

Season passes at ski resorts are the biggest ripoff ever. Especially if the resort is 2 hours away. I got a mid-week pass for this year, and I only went twice this year. Never again. The season passes are only worth it if you live like right next to the mountain. Then you'd be going every day, and snowboarding would become your specialization. Unfortunately, it's a silly specialization.

Arrested Development is a hilarious show. It's clever and witty. Get the DVD's. Watch it.

So....on to the trip:


11:00AM - Dentist appointment. I got my chipped tooth smoothed out. Received a few little toothpaste tubes from the dentist.

12:00PM - George gets to my house before I do and engages in deep conversation with my dad. I'm not sure what they talked about. I get home and frantically pack all my stuff in like 10 minutes. We pick up 2 of those mobile walkie-talkies. Make sure you have fresh batteries if they haven't been used in a while....So we leave for the grocery store to stock up on food because we are too cheap to buy food at the casino. Two loaves of bread is too much. Three pounds of meat is about right. Honey mustard is delicious. The store ran out of french onion Sunchips, so we had to settle for "traditional". Tastes more like "less salt". We pick up some bagels, bananas, and other nonsense and head out.

1:00PM - I don't think we're ever going to leave....Taco Bell stop. It was good.

4:00PM - We finally arrive at the Borgata after a reasonable drive. We passed by Chew's United Methodist Church, which is always fun. Tolls were a lot, as always. I think I drive really slow....anyway, we check-in to the hotel room, and it is excellent. The fridge is stocked with food and the pillows are soft. What more could you ask for?!

5:00PM - We headed down to the poker room and got our names up. George hit up the 3/6 game to get his feet wet, and I got in a 6/12 table. I won't bore you with details of the game, because it really is a boring game. After about an hour, the guy sitting next to me leaves, so I drag George over to the 6/12 game. He has fun and does good. Real good. He is happy.

8 or 9PM - We come up to the room to eat sandwiches. They were quite good. We hurried back down to get our game on. Went to bed around 2 or so. George finished really well for the day, but I couldn't find any cards, so I lost just a little bit.


10AM - We managed to wake up at a reasonable time. Ate breakfast consisting of a bagel and a banana. I don't like cream cheese.

11AM - Back down to the poker room to get our seats at 6/12. Once again, we get lucky enough to get seats next to each other, so we stayed there for the rest of the day. Cards weren't very friendly to George, so this day made him rather sad...

Later that night, one of the cocktail waitresses was asking us if we wanted any drinks. George and I had discovered the glory of pineapple juice, so we had been drinking that like crazy. So I tell the waitress, "Pineapple....", then she says, "ok." Then I reply with, "juuuuuuice.....juice. pineapple juuuice." She smiles and asks, "the only thing pineapple that we serve here is juice...." Note that she was standing at least 15 feet away across two tables. When she returns, she says, "can you make sure that's juice....?" "No, I wanted a whole pineapple."

Later, we asked the waitress is she could make us vodka and Red Bull. We were really pumped about them all trip. They didn't serve Red Bulls in the poker room, but we could pay like 8 bucks for one at the bar! What a deal! We bring our own next time.

I finished decently, and George couldn't catch anything. We went to bed around 4, after eating a dinner of sandwiches at 3AM.


Woooo....what a day....

10AM - We get up at 10 again, and decide to try out the noodle place with some of my comp dollars (compensation bucks, basically the casino pays you to play there). The noodles were good, and the first real meal we had at the Borgata.

12AM - Head down to the poker room, and get on a new 6/12 table, so George and I sit together again. Cards puked on George, and I did alright. A fine variety of old grumpy men at the table, with a youngish guy sitting to my right, downing vodka and grapefruit juice like water. He smelled really bad and didn't play too well. We only stayed there for about 3 hours. I got really tired and George needed a break, so he left and I went back to the room for a nap.

6PM - I get up, eat something real quick, and head back down to the poker room with George. I decide to make the jump to 10/20 after two decent sessions at 6/12. Wow, what an experience.... The majority of the players there were TERRIBLE. Cards are even worse, and I lost quite a bit, even with my good cards. Stayed there until about 4AM, and it was a nightmare session....I can't wait to go back, hopefully luck will be on my side next time. George stayed at 6/12 and finished about even.

4AM - The highlight of our trip. After some terrible poker sessions for both of us, we decide to hit up the blackjack tables and do some "gambling", combined with our first alcoholic beverages of the trip. Man, it was a great time. When we first got there, it was really quiet and everyone looked dead tired. I learned some basic blackjack strategy and was actually doing pretty well. The dealer was a chinaman named Johnny. He was the man. He made it fun. When he asked me for my name, all I could say was "Bob". So I was Bobby for the rest of the evening. Every 30 minutes, Johnny would be replaced by Tom, another chinaman who wasn't quite as charismatic. Then Johnny would come back, and we'd start winning again. George and I got nice and rowdy, jumping and screaming when we'd win with our huge bets. I actually started running and jumping up and down the casino floor when George doubled up on his $100 bet. He just kind of stared at the table in amazement. Fun. I probably looked like an idiot. Our motto for the evening: "the night is young." Soon the whole table was alive, and all that could be heard was chants of "come on, Johnny!!!" We kept this up until about 7AM, when George and I decided to be stupid and basically give our money to the casino by betting our entire stacks. These are stacks of like $100 - $200. That was sad. Totally worth it. Next time we'll have a better strategy: slap George silly if he tries that again...

7:30AM - Bed time. Check out at 11AM.


10AM - Wake up and shower. Check out at 11. I was originally planning on staying and playing for a little while, but I had no money and didn't feel like playing, so I left. End of trip. The most glorious thing about the trip: The room is normally $150 a night on weeknights. That is $450 total for three nights at normal price. After all the poker rate discounts and comp dollars, my credit card was charged $10 for the room for 3 nights. Glorious.

Well, thank you all for keeping up with all that craziness. It was a fun trip, too bad it wasn't as profitable as previous trips, but what can you do. I came home and told my family that I did well on Monday and Tuesday, but then jumped up to 10/20 on Wednesday night and lost $800. Here was the reactions of each of my family members:

Brother: "Hahah, noob."

Father: "Oh, well, did you make it all back yet?"

Mother: "Oooh well, it's fine."

Gotta love it.

That's it for now. Back to school....


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