Monday, January 24, 2005

Chinamen and Owens, an indepth analysis (rather long).

Wow, it's really been a while since my last post. Busy. Lazy. Just plain forgot. Company and RA things are finally starting to settle down, not spending as much time running around getting this and that done. After a month of doing no physical activity, I've finally started my normal gym routine again. I'm pretty tired, and pretty sore.

Anywho, on to the poker. I finally cleared all my bonuses after a little over a week. I played 5700 hands to earn $485 in bonus money. Not bad, not bad at all. And I didn't lose money in the process, like most people trying frantically to clear bonuses do. I almost matched their number in profit. Unfortunately, I hate the game now, it's boring, and it's frustrating. I'll be taking a nice long break; probably a few days, maybe I'll play again in a few hours. I dunno.

And alas, the food courts are finally starting to clear out during lunch time. People have now resorted to sleep and eating EasyMac in their rooms. But every day I go to Owens, I witness this phenomenon that is simply awe inspiring. Normally, if you want to eat in a larger group, you'd put two of the square tables together so everyone has a seat. Well, every day that I've been to Owens, I see not two, but six or seven of these tables put together, complete with a slew of Chinamen. It's simply unbelievable. You would never see 25 white people sitting at the same table. They have the decency to eat at different tables. Same with the African Americans. And Mexicans? They're usually sitting alone, on the bar stools along the walls. Now how can you explain this. There you have at least 20, sometimes more, Chinamen at a single long table eating their meal. As some go, new ones will come to fill the seats. Everyone always knows everyone else. If they don't, they pretend like they do, because all Chinamen are "tyte". And you always have the one white guy who sits all the way on the end, who only knows one person at the table. No one talks to him, and he's always staring down at the other end of the table, trying to get into the conversation. No one likes him. He quickly finishes his food and leaves alone, with his head hung low. Also, I noticed that the guys like hugging each other, giggling like little schoolboys. Chinamen are some weird people... Maybe I should go sit down at the uber table one day like I own the place, ignoring everybody else there because I really don't want to talk to them. Will they accept me as one of their own? Also, a lot of the Chinamen really need haircuts and showers.

Chinamen = Asians. We all look the same.

So, hopefully you learned something today. Maybe one day, you'll gather a bunch of your friends and try sitting at the Chinaman table. It'll be fun. Or, you could gather a bunch of your Caucasian comrades and try to create a table that is bigger than theirs. Then maybe they'll realize that they're all douches and need to go find some new friends.

Monday, January 17, 2005

I'm still here....tired...

Wow, the past few days have been insanely busy. Being a company commander isn't all fun and games after all. I have had almost no free time the past 3 days between moving rooms, RA stuff, and dealing with people....grr....people....I haven't even gotten a chance to play much of the poker game, but that's ok, as long as I'm not losing money, I guess.

So the drive here on Friday morning at 5:15 AM was terrible. Besides the bad traffic and torrential downpour, it was here at about noon and unloaded the car. Sat around the rest of the day, as I was one of two people in the entire building. I was bored, yes. Played the poker game, very much yes. I got to eat Taco Bell twice this past weekend, and it was glorious. The Taco Bell here is much more expensive than the one back extra 50 cents for a spicy chicken burrito...

I'm slowly acclimating to less than 10 hours of sleep per day...I have to live on almost 7!! No naps today, since there's really no time. It was cold. My fingers were cold....until I put on gloves! Class today was ok, had 3 in a row, then lunch, then HNFE 1004....Food and Nutrition....why I am taking this...? So for lunch I go with Cheesefries and Mr. Johnson to Owens and eat the General Tso's chicken. This really large man is cooking it, so of course it's extra saucy, to the point where it's almost General Tso's chicken soup. Delicious. Owens was unusually packed at around noon and a half...I guess it was because of the first day of school. Everyone's excited to actually get up, dress in decent clothes, go to class, and then eat a real meal. Give it a week, people will be going to only half their classes, in sweats and PJ's, and eating EasyMac in their room. Same applies for the gym. Every semester you have the "beginning of semester fitness craze" where everyone says they'll go to the gym and get in shape that year. After a week, all of sudden "it's too cold", and people "have too much work to do", and gyms start emptying out. Without fail.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

End of Winter Break...

So, a whole has passed by....way too, this winter break is probably my most worthless break ever. I slept an average of 12 hours a day, and I only went to the gym once the entire month. And running? Hah, not a single time. Terrible. Now that I'm out of shape, I get to go back to school and wake up Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 5 something for PT. Glorious! Hopefully Mr. Johnson will be as enthusiastic as me.....

After I woke up at 3 PM yesterday, I decided to deposit my treasures from Atlantic City in the bank. I've never carried around that much cash before. It felt nice handing the cashier at the bank the wad of bills. I just realized how much effort I took in making sure that I always changed my chips for even $100 bills. I should have wrapped it with a rubber band, that would have been fun. It kind of reminds me of that scene in Dodgeball where Ben Stiller shows the guy the money in a briefcase. Heh.

So yesterday I started playing the online poker again after I found out about a slew of reload bonuses at the local online site. Now I've got to play like 3000 hands or so, which should take about a week if I really concentrate and avoid all interaction with the outside world. Live play at the casino is so much more fun than online, mainly because you get to laugh at people (i.e. Mr. Stinky).

Last night, I watched one of the more funnier movies of the year, Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Hilarious. It gives hope to chinamen all over the land!

I have to take the car to get an oil change before I leave tomorrow at the butt crack of dawn. Fun.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Back from Atlantic City

So, I return from my most recent journey to Atlantic City. Stayed at the Borgata again. The beds there are the best of any hotel I've been to, mostly because of their pillows. You get 3!! So I went with Brian the amigo for a few days. Of course we are extremely cheap, not so much poor, but very cheap, so we decided to eat sandwiches in my car in the parking garage instead of pay money to eat in the casino. We need more than just sandwiches. Maybe some potato salad, or chips. My dad thought we were idiots and should have just eaten real meals in the casino. He says, "you'll gamble with hundreds of dollars, but you won't pay $10 to eat a real meal." I reply, "yes, that's true, except it costs $20."

So, we got pretty much the same room as before, but the layout was reversed. Maybe we got a room on the other side of the hotel. They gave us a generous offering of random toiletries: (1) This piece of cloth labeled "shoes". I have no idea what it's for. There's only one "shoe", and it doesn't even fit over my foot. That'd be great if someone could clue me in. (2) A nice shower cap. I was tempted to wear it down to the poker room, but I'm not cool enough to do that. (3) A file. I didn't touch that. The public restrooms were also very lavish and clean. The paper towels were amazing. The casino probably loses millions a year in paper towel costs, but I'm sure it's worth it. They're like those reusable cloth towels you can buy at the stores, only they're white, and they smell terrible.

This trip was almost as lucrative as the one last week, except for 2 minor details...I'm sure you're all aware of the joys of jumping in elevators. Well, the Borgata has some pretty sweet elevators for jumping in. Unfortunately for me, I was wearing a button-down shirt with a pocket, and that pocket contained one $50 bill. After jumping in every elevator I went on from the parking garage to my room (that's two elevators), my pocket contained no $50 bills. I was sad. Oh well. After anguishing for all of like 2 minutes, Brian and I went back down to the poker room to get some play in before bed. The waiting list was really long, and after waiting 20 minutes or so, I became tired and impatient, so we went back upstairs. I'm still thinking about the lost $50 on the way up, and being that I'd been awake for the past 36 hours, I decide to put $100 on a roulette table. When I sat down, some squirrely looking chinaman placed some insane inside bets and hit his number like five times in a row. After the second spin, I caught on and placed bets and each of his stacks and won. Then he left. With like 2 grand. Then I lost. All of the $100. Oh well, bed time. Finally, sleepy night-night after being awake for 38 hours. Borgata pillows!!

Lessons learned? (1) Don't jump in elevators when you have money in your shirt pocket. (2) Remove money from your shirt pocket if you want to jump in elevators. (3) If you want to permanently remove money from your possession, go play roulette.

This morning, we played for a few hours before we left, and I made back the money I lost last night without much problem. Ate more sandwiches. Then I drove home without making a single wrong turn. We probably got home about 45 minutes sooner this week, and I didn't have to fill the gas tank on the way back! On the way home, there's a town called Chew's Landing between the Atlantic City Expressway and New Jersey Turnpike, complete with Chew's Methodist Church! What a great place to live!

There were also plenty of interesting characters we met at the Borg. The one that sticks out the most if Mr. Stinky, or "goiter". He was a rather large, Jewish man, who smelled like death. I had to sit next to him for about 45 minutes, and it was not a good experience. Later, at another table we were at, he had two empty seats on each side of him. It was funny. Then there's Buddha, a large Asian man. He complained for like an hour or so about how some guy beat his pocket kings with two pair he caught on the river. He didn't smell too bad. Then there was the guy with a Jets sweatshirt who ran (literally ran) back and forth between his seat and the sports betting room like every 10 minutes.

So...after two weeks and two trips to AC, I made some decent money to blow over the next semester. I probably would have made only half that working at a real job. Actually, no; not even that. Such a crazy world. Remember, use common sense the next time you're in an elevator.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

And it all begins....

Hmmm, so this is my first post. I decided to try experimenting with this blog phenomenon, so we'll see how long it lasts before I get tired of writing material that no one is going to read anyway. Well, I can also keep track of all the junk that happens in my little poker world, like any of you care. Yes, I am one of those people with overinflated dreams that plays online poker day in and day out. Most people lose. I lose. Sometimes. Well, according to my stats, I lose half the time. Oh well. Anyway, I'm off to Atlantic City today, for the second time in two weeks, to try and further supplement my spending over spring semester. I went last week for a few days and did good. I won. Yay, I'm a winner! But it was shown that I can't read road signs. I'm staying at the Borgata again, which is a sweet sweet hotel. It's clean and new looking, and the games there are good. Going with the Brian character; we must get meat and bread from the local market before departing because (1) we're cheap, (2) we're poor, and (3) I'm not paying $12 for a hamburger.

So, I have not played online in quite a few days. I made some money out of a free $20 that my dad got for not playing in a while. Then I used that to make a little more. Then cards started sucking and it's now a whopping 89 cents. At least I left $50 for my brother to do his work. He's borderline addicted now. My mom is on an incredible run right now, catching cards like nobody's business. Dad is sometimes tempted to play, but knows he will probably lose it, so he never does. Back to me...yea, so I'm not going to be playing online for a while. Live play at the casino is just a lot more fun.

Well, enough of this, almost time to leave. I have a feeling that no one will read this, and if they do, they'll just laugh at how stupid this is. Really, who the heck cares about this stuff? I'll leave with this: if you have to give a gift for a small child, please check out the Texas Hold'em poker chip set at Toys R Us, for ages 8 and up. Your kid could become the next Tiger Woods of poker if you start them early enough!