Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Nothing special today.

It has come to my attention that my blog entries bring smiles to the faces of children around the world, so I will try my best to update this silly thing daily. "[I] could write for a magazine column," says one avid fan (whose name will remain undisclosed, but let's just say he can't kick a soccer ball in a goal). My self esteem is now at an all-time high, since people actually enjoy something that I wrote. I have friends! Things are turning around since I've given up online poker for the finer things in life such as sleep, Shultz meals, and video game soccer. My enthusiasm and participation in the Corps is dwindling each day, as I dump more trivial responsibilities on the new commander, Abu-Akeel.

It is official. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Sherman are responsible for the heavy losses I sustained in the past few weeks of online poker. I hope that if they are crippled and must ride around in wheelchairs, that doors will not have handicap buttons; and if they do, the buttons will not work.

Today I went to the gym and Mr. Johnson farted many times. Mr. Johnson, I beg you, don't do that again. At least not as frequently as you did tonight. Air is a precious commodity in these times of stringent automobile emissions standards and chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's) rampant in the atmosphere.

After returning from the gym, I was welcomed by a gang of K08 freshmen. They seemed to be in good spirits and anxiously awaiting my return. They promptly led me into the bathroom, where I was shown one of the thickest pieces of feces I had ever seen. It was questionable whether the turd could have possibly exited a human being. Of course half the Corps was brought in to view this anomoly of human anatomy. I eventually flushed it.

Well, that's about it for this evening's episode. I learned tonight that "xanga" is a chinaman's version of a blog. Yes, that was random.

Good luck on finals. Only two more days of classes, and one more for me (I get Tuesday's and Thursday's off).


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