Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Updated Score

George and Mr. Johnson win. Final score, 6-0-1. Mr. Bales saved me from complete humiliation with a tie! Well, that was an interesting but complete waste of time. I'd like to thank everyone who participated in the game. I will ignore the results, since I'm still confident that I was right. And besides, Mr. Bales' vote counts like a million times. So that effectively cancels everyone else's vote.

Good day.

Monday, February 27, 2006


So, it's been two weeks since the last fun-filled literary extravaganza. Two and a half weeks since my last gambling adventure. Two weeks since I finished school applications. A week and a half since the last new episode of Smallville. Six weeks since my last contact with Smallville seasons 2-4.

So I went snowboarding Friday night with my brother, Mr. Johnson, and some friends from the good ol' Corps o' Cadets, and everyone had a great time. I exercised my meager teaching abilities and got three first-timers successfully going down the hill. I was quite impressed by all of them. Well done. I realized that snowboarding for me was more fun as a social activity than anything else. I might have only spent 20% of the time doing my normal thing on the mountain, but I had just as much fun "giving lessons". I don't know. Maybe I do need more social interaction after all...maybe get out a little more...

This weekend certainly had an interesting event, or situation, which I really don't consider a real situation that would garner any merit or value. However, it got me thinking. In any situation involving a female, I always tend towards the "she'd never be interested" attitude. For example, if a girl came up to me and said she liked me, I'd laugh and make a joke out of it. Then I'd walk away. Imagine the reaction if she was a little more subtle...


Her: "So, are you going out tonight...?"

Me: "Maybe." (hah, yea right, I don't go out)

Her: "Going downtown?"

Me: "Yea, probably." (another total lie)

Her: "So do you go downtown a lot?"

Me: "Eh, I used to, but not anymore, it just gets to expensive." (somewhat true, except I never went downtown a lot)

Her: "I heard about this party tonight..."

Me: "Oh. ........ Cool."

Her: ....silence...

Me: .....silence.....


Unfortunately, this actually happened. I will deny until the day I die that she meant anything by those words. She was just being nice, trying to strike a conversation. She could have just as easily talked about the weather. Certain people, whose names will go unmentioned (George and Mr. Johnson...), seem to think that she was trying to insinuate an interest, but I would like to think otherwise. Side note: if you are interested in being one of 12 other people who will hear the rest of the story and agree with me, please let me know.

To be perfectly clear and open, I find myself near the bottom of the attractiveness ladder. Actually, no, let's make that a fencepost. There are portions of fenceposts that are underground. I guess that's what living in a predominantly non-Chinaman world will do to you (not actually you, since the chance of you being a Chinaman is exactly 0%, since I have no Chinaman friends). I know it's sad to think that race matters (I totally think it does, and I'm not really all that great, even for a Chinaman), but after the high school experience, I've lived my life thinking that no one would ever be interested (so far, I'm 100% correct). Even in the remote possibility that they are, I'd deny it. It's simply not possible. I just realized I contradicted myself by saying there was a remote possibility, and then saying it was not possible. Therefore, I retract my statement that a remote possibility exists. Girls like attractive guys. It's that simple. It's when they start getting old and desperate that they lower the bar. Still, the bar won't ever reach the bottom of that fencepost two feet underground.

After explaining the situation (which was not completely described here) to George and Mr. Johnson, they insisted that I was a retard. No, grasshoppers, I simply prevented what could have been an embarrassing situation if I was to actually listen to you simpletons. Better safe than sorry. "Remember, only you can prevent forest fires." (for some reason, Smokey the Bear just came to mind)

People make such a big deal about being aware of "the signs" that people make when they're interested. It's not that I'm not aware of them, it's just that they don't exist. It's like trying to find Waldo in the dictionary.


Waldo (wôl'do, wäl'do) a masculine name


Talk about your all-time back-fires....didn't see that one coming....

So, only 4 more days until Spring Break begins...only 2 more days of classes... This will easily be the toughest week of the semester thusfar, so Thursday night will culminate with alcoholic consumption with Mr. Johnson.

For Spring Break, it looks like I will be going to exotic Bel Air, MD, only 20 miles north of beautiful Baltimore City. I will be staying in a 3 BR house with a full kitchen, laundry facilities on-site, and wireless Internet availability. The house comes with a deck overlooking a scenic 1/3 acre plot of grass surrounded by other houses. There is plenty of parking available for residents and guests. Swimming pools, tennis courts, and a fitness center are only a 5 minute drive away, and there's a bustling downtown area with several classy bars and restaurants. The local attractions include Denny's, Regal Cinemas with a Putt-Putt across the street, and Wal-Mart, all within a reasonable driving distance.

I can't wait.

Well, it's time for sleepy night-night.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Finally done the applications!

George sed I right good. Thanks George.

And so the saga continues....

I finally finished my law school applications tonight. It is a satisfying, yet terrifying feeling...did I make a mistake on one of them...is there a typo in the essay I just sent to every school....? Mr. Johnson tells me that feeling will pass in a few hours, so I'll trust him on that one. The essay was easily the most frustrating part, and it has absolutely nothing to do with law. I personally thought it was one of my better essays, maybe a little corny and contrived, but I'm satisfied. Unfortunately, some of the schools actually had a question that had to be answered as a personal statement, and of course my essay didn't even come close to touching the subject. That meant I didn't apply to that school....no way I'm writing another one of those things....I just wish they would be like good ol' Virginia Tech and make the essay completely optional. After filling out a few applications and realizing that my essay didn't match, I ended up checking the requirements before starting any new applications.

After taking the LSAT two times, last June and October, I had the attitude that my scores were "ok", and it didn't matter what school I went to. Well, 5 months later, my attitudes have certainly changed. I still think it doesn't matter what school I go to, since a degree is a degree (unless you're talking about Harvard or Yale, but who wants to go there anyway). However, now I know that my test scores were pretty awful. My GPA was about average with the median GPA's for acceptances, but my test scores didn't even register on the map. It definitely puts a damper on my confidence over the next two months.

I'm sure this feeling will pass. I'd give it an hour or two. Hmmm, it's late.

Good day.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Now I want to be a farmer....

Another one of those nights.....but this one ended a bit earlier than it normally would...it's only 2 AM....the crickets aren't chirping yet and it's not time for PT...the sun's not quite out yet...I still can't get into Brodie Hall to whoop George in FIFA for some kind of redemption...no wait, I could have since I was an RA...ah well....the good ol days....

For those of you who know me relatively well, you know what happened.....

I was doing so well, so proud of my achievement...unfortunately, it can be erased in hours, minutes, seconds even....just like that....gone. The past few weeks were going so well, and it hits like a freight train....I didn't really expect it, but then again, I guess I did...whether it was tonight or days or weeks from now, it would have gotten me. I guess it gets an Arby's hat for putting me in my place...

Now I'm not quite sure what's next...I know for certain that I will never go back....I can't....I think this time hurt more than any other, just because I had controlled it for so long...but failure is the only way to learn...

Well, on the bright side of things....actually, I don't think I can think of any bright side right now...I just wonder whether I would have liked life differently if I had chosen a different path, because I'm not really sure what I want to do now....of course my path is pretty clearly set at this point, and I dream of the insane amounts of money I could potentially make with my hybrid education....I just don't want to write the stupid admissions essay...

I think this post will be the end of the blog. I know a few people who read it, but there's just nothing left to write about. My daily life is so mundane that I can't come up with new material, and it seems every other post involves me messing up and trying to explain it. No one cares. I know Mr. Horse will be laughing. George will tell me to bring it regarding FIFA. (George, I've been practicing...you don't have a chance.)

I'll leave it hanging around for a few days, then I'll do my darndest to rid of the thing. I think I'll go back to the first posts and reminisce of the better times.

Oh, I forgot one thing. I hate my neighbors. Remember this picture?

I think it's funny.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Woohoo, a new post!

My last post occurred on the evening of December 21, 2005. That's quite a long time ago...I prefer to think that people have forgotten about this, and the droves of readers will dwindle to nobody. My last post was a pointless ranting on the woes of gambling that had engulfed my life a little over two years ago. I think two weeks after that post, I went to Atlantic City again with Mr. Horse and friends to lose again. How disappointing...

So the Steelers just won the Super Bowl. Or I should say the Seahawks lost. The world is full of losers just waiting their turn. That is all I'll say about that.

So up to this point, I have watched Season 1 of Smallville a total of three times through. My other three seasons are being held ransom by a friend back at home, and I am suffering through severe withdrawal. The new ones are quite good though, and they get me through these rough times.

When I first started the blog, I had lots of things to whine and complain about, but ever since I moved into the apartment, it has drastically slowed down, as evident by my lack of postings this year. I guess it has to do with the fact that in the Corps, I saw other people every day, people that would do stupid things to make me mad or make me laugh. But now that I'm in the apartment, I only see people when I'm in class, eating, or at Walmart. I don't do any extracurricular activities, since the Corps made it more difficult to pursue such endeavors, and I simply don't care now that I'm in my last year. This means I don't really know anyone outside of the Corps, and now that I think about it, it's probably best that it stay that way.

It's not that I don't like to socialize with people, it's just the stupid ones that hang around that make the experience less than delightful. For sake of argument, I will call such people "infidels". On the bright side, there are several people I know who have graduated from being an "infidel" to become "tolerable" and even a "friend". I wouldn't say that I'm picky...I just like to put people in categories when I first meet them. All guys I meet automatically fall into the douche category until they prove themselves otherwise. It's much safer that way, and since most guys are douches, I won't have to risk becoming friends with a douche. As far as the women, I just assume they don't want to meet me. That tends to work out pretty well. They usually flock towards the douches anyway.

I always like to joke that I will be married to one of two women. Either a Russian mail-order bride, or a divorced middle-aged women with two kids that realized that the first guy she was with was a complete douchebag. She was attracted to his douche-qualities when they were young, but she was too blind to see that his worthless life was going nowhere. He never cut his hair or shaved, and he was known to pop his collar. In college, they prided themselves on their tolerance to alcohol and their ability to throw a ping pong ball into a plastic cup filled with lukewarm beer. His belly became large and jiggly, and her buttocks became wide and protrusive. And that is the story of many a college relationship.

Here we can describe the basic desires of the woman as she progresses through life and experiences failed relationship after failed relationship...

[College-aged girl] ---> Douche ----> Douche ---> [she realizes douches aren't all they're cracked up to be] ---> [she's roughly 30, divorced] ---> Money ---> Money ---> Money ---> (see the pattern?)

So best chance I think I have is approximately step 4 or 5, where money takes the cake, and she doesn't give a hoot what you look like.

The weather has certainly been strange here in Blacksburg since I've been back here. I was hoping to get in at least one day of snowboarding before the spring, but it doesn't seem too promising with days in the 60's. Mr. Johnson wants to learn, and I'm hoping we can get out there, so I can have a good time watching.

I wonder what life would have been like if I was a farmer...