Monday, February 27, 2006


So, it's been two weeks since the last fun-filled literary extravaganza. Two and a half weeks since my last gambling adventure. Two weeks since I finished school applications. A week and a half since the last new episode of Smallville. Six weeks since my last contact with Smallville seasons 2-4.

So I went snowboarding Friday night with my brother, Mr. Johnson, and some friends from the good ol' Corps o' Cadets, and everyone had a great time. I exercised my meager teaching abilities and got three first-timers successfully going down the hill. I was quite impressed by all of them. Well done. I realized that snowboarding for me was more fun as a social activity than anything else. I might have only spent 20% of the time doing my normal thing on the mountain, but I had just as much fun "giving lessons". I don't know. Maybe I do need more social interaction after all...maybe get out a little more...

This weekend certainly had an interesting event, or situation, which I really don't consider a real situation that would garner any merit or value. However, it got me thinking. In any situation involving a female, I always tend towards the "she'd never be interested" attitude. For example, if a girl came up to me and said she liked me, I'd laugh and make a joke out of it. Then I'd walk away. Imagine the reaction if she was a little more subtle...


Her: "So, are you going out tonight...?"

Me: "Maybe." (hah, yea right, I don't go out)

Her: "Going downtown?"

Me: "Yea, probably." (another total lie)

Her: "So do you go downtown a lot?"

Me: "Eh, I used to, but not anymore, it just gets to expensive." (somewhat true, except I never went downtown a lot)

Her: "I heard about this party tonight..."

Me: "Oh. ........ Cool."

Her: ....silence...

Me: .....silence.....


Unfortunately, this actually happened. I will deny until the day I die that she meant anything by those words. She was just being nice, trying to strike a conversation. She could have just as easily talked about the weather. Certain people, whose names will go unmentioned (George and Mr. Johnson...), seem to think that she was trying to insinuate an interest, but I would like to think otherwise. Side note: if you are interested in being one of 12 other people who will hear the rest of the story and agree with me, please let me know.

To be perfectly clear and open, I find myself near the bottom of the attractiveness ladder. Actually, no, let's make that a fencepost. There are portions of fenceposts that are underground. I guess that's what living in a predominantly non-Chinaman world will do to you (not actually you, since the chance of you being a Chinaman is exactly 0%, since I have no Chinaman friends). I know it's sad to think that race matters (I totally think it does, and I'm not really all that great, even for a Chinaman), but after the high school experience, I've lived my life thinking that no one would ever be interested (so far, I'm 100% correct). Even in the remote possibility that they are, I'd deny it. It's simply not possible. I just realized I contradicted myself by saying there was a remote possibility, and then saying it was not possible. Therefore, I retract my statement that a remote possibility exists. Girls like attractive guys. It's that simple. It's when they start getting old and desperate that they lower the bar. Still, the bar won't ever reach the bottom of that fencepost two feet underground.

After explaining the situation (which was not completely described here) to George and Mr. Johnson, they insisted that I was a retard. No, grasshoppers, I simply prevented what could have been an embarrassing situation if I was to actually listen to you simpletons. Better safe than sorry. "Remember, only you can prevent forest fires." (for some reason, Smokey the Bear just came to mind)

People make such a big deal about being aware of "the signs" that people make when they're interested. It's not that I'm not aware of them, it's just that they don't exist. It's like trying to find Waldo in the dictionary.


Waldo (wôl'do, wäl'do) a masculine name


Talk about your all-time back-fires....didn't see that one coming....

So, only 4 more days until Spring Break begins...only 2 more days of classes... This will easily be the toughest week of the semester thusfar, so Thursday night will culminate with alcoholic consumption with Mr. Johnson.

For Spring Break, it looks like I will be going to exotic Bel Air, MD, only 20 miles north of beautiful Baltimore City. I will be staying in a 3 BR house with a full kitchen, laundry facilities on-site, and wireless Internet availability. The house comes with a deck overlooking a scenic 1/3 acre plot of grass surrounded by other houses. There is plenty of parking available for residents and guests. Swimming pools, tennis courts, and a fitness center are only a 5 minute drive away, and there's a bustling downtown area with several classy bars and restaurants. The local attractions include Denny's, Regal Cinemas with a Putt-Putt across the street, and Wal-Mart, all within a reasonable driving distance.

I can't wait.

Well, it's time for sleepy night-night.


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