Monday, December 05, 2005

Has it already been a month?

It appears it has. It's been over a month since the last post on this stupid blog. We are into the final stretch of this semester, with only three more days of class and finals week. Being that I only see a select few people on a consistent basis while here at school (this year, that number is two), I don't know what the common peasant student feels about finals week. Do they stress out about finals like the kids you see on TV, or do they take a more relaxed approach? In general, people take this school stuff way too seriously, at least in public.

I've been thinking about the past four and a half years I've been here at Tech. Each year, the number of people I see on a consistent basis decreases each year. Freshman year, it numbered in the 20+, then it decreased sophomore and junior year as I discovered I didn't really care for many of my "friends". Senior year, I was isolated in the 3rd Battalion dorm, only to socialize with a handful of people, none of which lived in my building. Now I come to my super senior year, in which I only hang out with the two people I live with, Mr. Johnson and my brother. Other people just aren't worth the effort. Yes, that means you. If I attend graduate school, I wouldn't be surprised if I never make a single friend through three years there. It wouldn't bother me. They'd all probably be worthless douches anyway with B.A.'s in B.S. Wow, that kind of made me laugh a little. B.A. in B.S. How clever. If you didn't get that one, you are not bright. If you are a student and offended by that one, you should stop reading this and get back to your schoolwork. Oh wait, never mind, you don't actually have any real work to do.

I guess this reflected my high school days. I had a few good friends, but I don't think I ever made an effort to see them outside of school and sports. I was content sitting in the house doing nothing. I still am content sitting in the apartment doing nothing. I have Smallville DVD's now.

Hmmm, this reminds me of that computer game "The Sims". For those who have played this game, you'll know what I'm talking about, but for everyone else, the game basically simulates the life of a person/family. You have to control when he eats, sleeps, works, plays, etc. There were satisfaction bars that measured how happy your person was in certain areas, and one of those was the "social" bar. This measured how much interaction you had with other Sims, and it was undoubted the most aggravating bar to keep high. Apparently Sims can't stand to be alone, but all I can say is, you'll keep my happy level up if you keep my "social" bar down. Way down. Until it breaks. I want the bar to measure negative social level.

And how 'bout them Hokies? Mmmmm, yes, them Hokies. I'll leave it at that.

My thoughts on apologies: "There is no such thing as a sincere apology. It's called social tact. If I apologize to you, 9 times out of 10, I don't really mean it. For the other one time, you probably heard me wrong."

I realize that this post contains almost no intentional humor. I know there's plenty to write about, but I can never remember enough to write about it. And with that, I hope everyone does poorly on their finals.


Blogger V said...

Aww, you're not funny anymore. Cheer up, finals are over.

4:09 PM  

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