Friday, October 28, 2005

Television and Being Lonely

Decided to make a late night post after watching Tech beat Boston College. I have been watching a lot more television lately, and there are two good shows that I thought I'd mention.

The Colbert Report

Stephen Colbert from the Daily Show gets his own show! This show premiered two weeks ago, and I have yet to miss a single show. It is hilarious, if you're into that sort of political humor. He has a "word of the day" on each show that is kind of related to events that have happened that day. So, a few days ago, Rosa Parks, one of the pioneers of the Civil Rights movement, died. Colbert's word of the day was "overrated". Where do they come up with this stuff? It's just brilliant. You should definitely watch this one, 11:30 PM after the Daily Show on Mon-Thurs.


My roommate Mr. Johnson introduced me to this show about a doctor who basically hates people. He is my idol. I want to be just like him. Here is a little tidbit of advice from Becker: "Whenever I'm feeling depressed or having a bad day, I just hang out with someone who's much worse off than I am."

It's getting late, and this post really wasn't a full blown commentary on anything specific, but I thought I'd divulge some personal thoughts on myself. I went out the other night to some party downtown, and I realized that social events just make me angry. People have told me to smile, and that makes me angry too. I am content being an unhappy person, so leave me be. I know lots of people who complain about being lonely (yes, I might be one of them), but after seeing the alternative (social interaction), I think I might pick lonely. I have gone out plenty of times during my 4+ years at college, but I don't think I've ever really had a good time.

When I reread some of my posts, I realize that I just don't like people. Things people do bother me. Things people say bother me. People talking on cell phones in public bothers me to no end.

Good night, and go Hokies!


Blogger V said...

what is this spam commenting?!

9:51 PM  

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