Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Three Days in a Row!!!

So, tonight marks the third day of updates in a row! How glorious! I've been reminded by my brother that I must include more references and quotes from Arrested Development. Unfortunately, I don't remember many of them. In time....

So Forza Motorsport came out today for Xbox. I must have this game. I will probably get it tomorrow. It will give me something to occupy my days that are currently filled with sleeping. My first final is on Thursday morning, with one on Friday afternoon and one Monday afternoon, so I probably won't play it too obsessively until after that last test, in which I'll have a good week of doing nothing except RA nonsense.

It is ridiculously cold in my room right now. When will we get some better weather here? This is honestly just getting silly. It's May, and I'm shivering in my room, desperately in need of a working heater.

After doing some thinking and talking with my brother, I've decided to take up the bass. Hopefully, it will reinvigorate my recent lack of interest in the guitar, and it will give me something fun to do with my bro this summer and next year. Jamming with two guitars isn't really that much fun...

George and I did not get to face off on the soccer field today, him with his with my frequent naps....scheduling is just a pain sometimes.

Apparently, the feces that I spoke of last night was quite renowned around the Corps. People flocked from all across Upper Quad to view the specimen, and many heard tales of its incredible majesty (Brain, I know there's a AD reference I could use here....but the mind is blanking out....).

Tomorow morning, by permission of the outgoing battalion commander, I will not be attending morning formation. It will be the first morning formation this year that I have not attended, and it will be the last one of the year...what a way to end it.

Well, I think that will do if for tonight. It was kind of a disappointing post in my mind, I'll try to do better tomorrow.


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