Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Finals are over!!

I must apologize for not having posted anything last night due because I had to study for my last final today. First thing's first, George beat me in FIFA today. Maybe I'll print out a little certificate so he can tape it to his refrigerator.

I actually successfully got up early today, at around 8:30, and ate breakfast and continued studying. I didn't take a single nap today!!! After the test, I sold back my satellite communications book for a measly $18...I think it's because I bought it used and sold it even more used. At least I got a coupon for a free Beef Burrito Supreme and 16 oz. drink at Taco Bell!!! George only got a measly chicken sandwich at Burger King or something; hahahah, let's all laugh at him.

I played a whole heck of a lot of Forza Motorsport today. The game says that I'm about 16% of the way through, so there's plenty of playing left to be done. It's ridiculously addicting and a whole lot of fun, collecting cars and making them pretty and fast.

It's an unbelievable feeling to be done with this semester. For some reason, this end of year has been much more satisfying than the past three. It also seems a lot more meaningful, too. Maybe it's because everyone is leaving in a week, and I'll probably never see many of them again. The whole crew, except for Mr. Johnson and me, is getting commissioned and leaving this summer. Oh yea, that's right, we're not in the Corps anymore. No more wool pants.

I'll be here until probably Monday, so that gives me a good week to do absolutely nothing here. Simply glorious. Hopefully my bass will come in tomorrow so I have something to do. If not, I'll have to start studying for that blasted LSAT that I have in June. And then there's Forza.

I have to get up early again tomorrow to turn in a Hex LED display that I signed out for Microprocessor System Design this past semester, which I dropped after 6 weeks. Gooood decision. I'm definitely putting it off until spring next year. Anyway, I totally forgot that I still had it. I don't know if they would have charged my student account for it.

Sooo.....big gulps, eh? Wellp....see ya later!


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