Saturday, May 14, 2005

Super special commissioning weekend update

Many apologies for not keeping up with the updates the past few days. I have been a little busier than I originally thought I'd be with Corps graduation and commissionings.

Friday was Corps graduation which went well. George beat me in FIFA and MLB on Xbox. We can leave it at that. I got to turn in all my uniforms and the such, never to see those things again. I had RA on Duty Friday night, when Mr. Sherman had a little BBQ at the house his family was staying at, so I had to miss that. He brought me a plate of foods and it was delicious. I wish I had been there to hang out with everyone. I probably could have gone now that I think of it. No one needed to be checked out, and nothing happened that night. Oh well.

Navy commissioning also happened on Friday, and I sat through all 2 hours of that. All I can say is, the Navy is weird...and they give anyone and everyone naval flight officer spots...hopefully I don't offend anyone with an NFO spot, but it just doesn't really have any prestige to it...especially when you see all people that did get it...Well, good luck to those Ensigns.

Today was spent running around for Air Force commissionings. The timing was kind of frustrating as people were commissioning at the same time in two different spots on campus. Anyway, it was really incredible to see everyone get their gold bars, and it really made me kind of "sad" not to be involved with it. The thoughts of Marine OCS ran through my head through the commissioning ceremonies, but I'm sure that will wear off in a few days. It's an incredible feeling to see all my friends become Lieutenants in the Air Force, and I'm really proud of every one of them.

Right now I'm watching the Will Ferrell SNL episode. Hopefully it's good, I'm not really a fan of SNL. Heh, I just saw a commercial for KFC that involved an African American family that wanted different kinds of fried chicken. I wonder how effective that commercial would be with a nice white family.

I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon, so I'll have to do some packing tonight. Hopefully it doesn't take too long, but I'm sure there's a lot more in here than I thought, and I'm sure I won't even be able to fit it all in my car.

Well, that's it for the weekend. My bass still hasn't come in, and it is really getting frustrating. King's Dominion with everyone in exactly one week, then Atlantic City with LT Delong after that.

Go Yanks and Cubs!


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