Sunday, May 08, 2005

My bad for the past two days....

Sorry I forgot to post my obligatory entries for the past day or two...I know I made some people sad... ::insert frowny face hear, complete with a tear:: ....I've been relatively busy with finals on Thursday and Friday, so today was my first real day of absolutely nothing. And it was a fine day.

I finally bought Forza Motorsport last night, and it's a pretty sweet game. I don't think the graphics are as good as those on Gran Turismo 4 for PS2, but it's all us Xbox owners's kind of hard at first, but once you get used to not jamming the gas at all times and smoothly accelerating out of turns, you do a lot better. And it also helps to upgrade the dickens out of your car and race against the stock poo poo cars. Right now my nicest car is a decked out Acura Integra Type R with like 600 some horsepower. It's sweet....with a body kit and all that stuff that people actually think is ubercool!

I watched National Treasure tonight, and I thought it was pretty good. It definitely was interesting, and Nicholas Cage did a somewhat decent job. As my brother pointed out, there is either more to these "clues" than us common folk can see, or we are just too stupid to see all these connections that the main character instantly jumps at. "Iron was firm...adamant....a resolution.....the Declaration of Independence!!!" Booyah! He must be super smart. Good movie nonetheless. The supporting character Riley provided good comic relief.

On the topic of movies, my brother went and saw Kingdom of Heaven today, and he says it's not a very good movie. I was quite excited to see it, but now I'm having second thoughts. Mr. Sherman says he has free movie passes for Mr. Johnson and I, so hopefully we can watch something else. If you're a fan of Orlando Bloom and enjoyed his role in Lord of the Rings, my brother says you can watch him in all his splendor and glory in Kingdom of Heaven!! Other than that, you'll leave the movie wondering what just happened in the past 3 hours and whether Taco Bell is still open.

I noticed lately that the DVD cases for the newer movies now feature two little tabs on the side that you have to unclip in order to open the case. When I borrowed The Bourne Supremacy a month ago, I almost broke both the tabs and wondered why the darn thing wouldn't open. These tabs are just stupid and pointless...are they afraid the DVD will jump out and escape or something?

I realized tonight how powerful music really's incredible, simply incredible...I'm sitting here right now typing away and sifting through some of the older songs on my computer that I used to listen to a lot. I have a habit of listening to the same songs, usually just a few on a playlist, on repeat for hours, whether I was chatting late into the night on IM back in the high school days or clicking away even later into the night at the poker tables. I'm listening to some of these songs now, and it brings back so many memories and feelings and the such from the's really unbelievable, and it makes you miss so many things that were in your life, but not anymore. Each song has its own moment, feeling, or memory associated with it, and it's the only thing you can think about when you hear it. For example, Train's "Drops of Jupiter" reminds me of freshman year, when my parents and brother visited for the weekend. This was the song that played in my car when I drove back to my dorm as they left for home. Every time I hear that song, all I can think of is freshman year and how tough it was, with the Corps and not being with the family and all. Candlebox's song "Far Behind" reminds me of a person from the past who I haven't talked to in many years. I hope they're doing well. Some songs remind of all the hours I spent on the computer over the summer, relaxing and just enjoying life. I know it's only another week, but I just can't wait until I leave and go home for the summer. I know the songs I've been listening to recently (mainly some Switchfoot tracks) will remind me of the woes of online poker and late nights trying to get back to even....

All the memories of the really makes me feel old...yes, only 21, but so many things have come and gone. It makes you appreciate what you've got now and wonder, when will it be gone, and what will come next...? The Class of 2005 is about to end this chapter of our lives, and I know for sure that I'm not ready for it.

I'm finally spending more time with my guitar, and I can't wait for my bass to arrive, hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday. I'm gradually getting my chops back, now it's a matter of learning to play something musical.

Well, it is time for bed in preparation for a full day of study tomorrow. My last final is on Monday, for Satellite Communications, which is my favorite class this semester. Remember to keep listening to the music!


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